I started a garden! I'm really excited about it, and I've enjoyed variably telling Jer that I want to go play in the dirt/cow poop and watching him shake his head because he knows what a germaphobe I am. Guys, I'm seriously a huge GERMAPHOBE. Capital letters totally a must.
Anyway, Here's my garden as it looked this morning when I was done with it. I purchased tomato plants that someone else had started inside because I did not, and relocated a few strawberry plants that grew on their own from upstairs neighbor dude's garden last year. He moved out, I poached the plot.
I also planted broccoli, butternut squash, lettuce (3 kinds!), and carrots (3 kinds!). Did I mention I'm really excited? I'm really excited! The wood is for me to stand on, because it bothered me that I kept compacting the soil when I stepped in, so now I have something to stand on.
Also: I have no idea what I am doing.
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