Saturday, October 12, 2013

Time Travel: Banff

Time Travel: Life got a bit away from me this summer. I have been working on finishing up school, and with the addition of my lovely almost full time job, I haven't much time for anything else. Posts with the Time Travel disclosure were posted well after I intended to post them (and not always at the right time). Sorry!

Jer and I drove into the Rockies for a few days before we left Canada. It is so beautiful! I'd also like to mention that these are mountains:

Guys, gals, seriously. These are mountains. Afton "Mountain" may colloquially be counted among the giants, but if you've ever seen both, you know there is no comparison. 

Banff was this adorable little town that really reminded me of home; of course there are differences, but small towns all feel at least a little alike. They also have really cool manhole covers. 

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