Saturday, August 10, 2013

Time Travel: Skating in Pittsburgh

Time Travel: Life got a bit away from me this summer. I have been working on finishing up school, and with the addition of my lovely almost full time job, I haven't much time for anything else. Posts with the Time Travel disclosure were posted well after I intended to post them. Sorry!

We stuck around for a few days, and of course Dad wanted to find a skate park. He lucked out, we actually visited two! Of course, just a few minutes after this picture was taken, Dad went in for his first run, and physically separated his book from his plate, which made it hard to continue.

After breaking his skate, getting his skate fixed, and skating again, we were tired- so we tracked down the only place open, a Max and Erma's, which we'd never seen before. Mom loved the super cool barstools! The food was great, too!

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