Saturday, August 24, 2013

Time Travel: First Day in Canada

Time Travel: Life got a bit away from me this summer. I have been working on finishing up school, and with the addition of my lovely almost full time job, I haven't much time for anything else. Posts with the Time Travel disclosure were posted well after I intended to post them (and not always at the right time). Sorry!

We spent the first day running errands, mostly. Our room had a little fridge and a microwave, so I took advantage of it and planned to eat breakfast in the room most days. So, we went shopping! Apparently the Real Canadian Superstore is like Wal Mart. I think it sounds way cooler, though. This is also the first place I noticed gratuitous maple leaf placement. They are EVERYWHERE.

Also, there is apparently such a thing as underwater hockey. My mind is blown.

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