Saturday, November 9, 2013

Eleanor & Park

Lately, I hear myself saying to people that I don't have enough time to read, or knit, or sleep, even. This is, for the most part, true.

It's also not.

There isn't much that I will not sleep for. School is one of them, but trust me, I'm doing everything I can to get my beauty rest and still pass.

Most of the time, it's true, I don't have time to read. Once in a great while, I'll fall into a book and fail utterly to pull myself back out again.

Eleanor & Park consumed me for a good eight hours. I vanished into this black hole, and only remerged when I had finished the last page. Yes, even though I'm not suppose to have time to read. I was consumed, and couldn't get enough, even when it was over.

So, I really liked it. You should read it too.

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