Saturday, November 23, 2013

New Library

I love libraries. Old ones, underfunded ones, you name it. But is nice once in a while to see a brand new, huge, well designed library.

A few weekends ago, a coworker and I drove to Roanoke's South County library branch for a mini-conference. We learned about genealogy and new apps, but it was just as much fun to walk through this beautiful library.
 It isn't exactly centrally located (yet), but we found it (eventually).
The place is just so great! There is a big door into the children's area, huge windows, multiple fireplaces, private reading areas, and a teen area. They were advertising for great community events- including a Day of the Doctor event!

Saturday, November 16, 2013


This year I went as Medusa for Halloween because I found this amazing foam wig at Target. Usually 20$, this one was damaged so it was even less expensive. I fixed it up, and fashioned the dress out of some fabric I had intended to use for another project a long time ago but never made.

Happy Halloween!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Eleanor & Park

Lately, I hear myself saying to people that I don't have enough time to read, or knit, or sleep, even. This is, for the most part, true.

It's also not.

There isn't much that I will not sleep for. School is one of them, but trust me, I'm doing everything I can to get my beauty rest and still pass.

Most of the time, it's true, I don't have time to read. Once in a great while, I'll fall into a book and fail utterly to pull myself back out again.

Eleanor & Park consumed me for a good eight hours. I vanished into this black hole, and only remerged when I had finished the last page. Yes, even though I'm not suppose to have time to read. I was consumed, and couldn't get enough, even when it was over.

So, I really liked it. You should read it too.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Library in Banff

I almost forgot that I snapped a picture of the public library in Banff. Perhaps not as flashy as the library in Calgary, but who am I not to take a picture of a library I see?