Thursday, April 14, 2011

Meet Mephisto

Meet Mephisto.

A few days ago I was wandering the Internet (when I probably should have been doing homework - but really, when do I ever not have homework to do?) and I started looking at Venus Flytraps. I knew about then before, but I started reading up on all the special care they need and I became more enamored. I found a place that sold them, but it had a monetary limit and expensive shipping. I put posted "I want a Venus flytrap" to Facebook and forgot about it.

When I returned home after class today there were two boxes waiting for me. I figured Amazon had divided the order I had made last week in preparation for Jer's birthday into two orders. I was a bit confused by the large "Fragile" stickers on the one box, but didn't think much of it. I brought all of my things inside, started the song I'd shut off on my way out the door that morning (3oh!3's "Don't trust me"), and opened the top box. Inside was not part of the amazon order, but instead this lovely little plant!

I immediately msged Jer, and he said it wasn't him, and then texted my parents with multiple variants of "I HAVE THE MOST AWESOME PARENTS IN THE WORLD AND A VENUS FLY TRAP!"

I did some more research and I knew that Flytraps need a special soil- peat moss and sand, or similar ingredients. Lowe's almost had everything we needed, but everything came in HUGE bags, and the Perlite was treated with Miraclegro, a big no-no. We stopped at a plant store place, but they didn't have it either. I ended up ordering a premix online. I hope to take periodic pictures and keep track of his growth. Hopefully he opens up soon- I want to see the inside of those chompers!

Jer suggested the name: Mephisto. We have been playing some Diablo lately, and I thought it fit. : )


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