Title: See the Restored Airstream of Your Dreams
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/1J92xhh
Title: See the Restored Airstream of Your Dreams
Title: John Oliver’s Internet Misogyny Rant is Satisfying As Hell Spot on.
Title: These Are The Victims Of The Charleston Church Shooting
Title: Daughter of Smoke & Bone (Daughter of Smoke and Bone Trilogy Book 1) I freaking love the Daughter of Smoke and Bone Series and the first book is on sale for kindle. Usually 10$+, it’s 2.99$ right now. If you’ve been meaning to read it or were on the fence and kindle is your jam, you’re welcome. Read and then we can talk about it.
Title: In Praise Of Women Who Give All The F**ks
Title: What Makes a Really Stupid Opinion About Caitlyn Jenner
Title: I am 96% Green. Which political party do you side with?