Title: I side 98% with Bernie Sanders
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/1jlDsIa
Title: I side 98% with Bernie Sanders
Title: Middle Class Blue Collar Man Weighs In On Bernie Sanders
Title: #ShoutYourAbortion Founder Amelia Bonow Talks Going Viral And Fighting The Trolls: BUST Interview
Title: Fact Checking Reveals G.O.P. Debate Was Four Per Cent Fact - The New Yorker
Title: U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders
Title: Occupy Democrats
Title: Cooking For The Adult Woman Who Hates To Cook “the best grownup things are kid things with booze.”
Title: I asked Fiorina’s campaign for video to back her Planned Parenthood claim. Here’s what they sent. Why the lies?
Title: Leap, the luxury San Francisco commuter bus, is bankrupt and selling its buses for $5 each
Title: From a flight attendant on Delta Flight 15, written following 9-11:
Title: An Evangelical responds to Sanders’ speech at Liberty U
Title: THE GOP’s AGENDA FOR WOMEN: Extremely outdated and incredibly out of touch
Title: Best friends Oh my goodness
Title: The Social Injustice Done to Adjunct Faculty: A Call to Arms
Title: Fun With Paper Clips
Title: NWFlorida Professionals for Bernie Sanders
Title: Today Is The Day James Sirius Potter Would Be Starting At Hogwarts
Title: The Best of Tumblr
Title: Donald Trump Just Stopped Being Funny
Title: 19 Pictures That Are Too Real For People Who Play Settlers Of Catan Danielle Beckey
Title: America’s Funniest Home Videos
Title: Home - belk.com - Belk.com Today, I purchased men’s pants from belk.com while standing in a JC Penny. Thank you technology.
Title: These Hilarious “Harry Potter” Comics Show How Irresponsible Dumbledore Was Ahhhhh!
Title: This will always be my favourite question on Yahoo Answers. I almost literally died laughing. Almost.
Title: Not so inspiring anymore
Title: 29 Adorable Feminist Tattoos That You’ll Want to Get With Your Girl Gang This Weekend So many of these are fantastic!
Title: Hayley Atwell This is amazing.
Title: Community Post: What A “Racebent” Hermione Granger Really Represents
Title: www.cbc.ca Jenny Ginger Swab
Title: Stop Cyber Spying CISA is bad news for internet freedom. Use this link to send an old-school fax to your rep, asking them not to pass CISA.
Title: Jer and Anaya are Getting Hitched Jer and I are very happy to announce that we are getting married! Please consider this an invitation to join us in celebratory spirit!
We’re planning to say our vows on a beach in the Florida Keys this coming January. You can read more about our plans and see pictures and awesome updates (including engagement photos!) on the events leading up to and including the wedding at our website: http://ift.tt/1VD7Yfi
We’d really appreciate it if you would sign our guestbook. It’s a way for us to plot our family and friends around the world and collect your mailing addresses for the purposes of sending you holiday cards.
Wishing you well,
Anaya & Jer
Title: What Donald Trump was up to while John McCain was a prisoner of war “Just in case 12 hours have gone by since the last time you found a new example of why Donald Trump is a monster. Here’s another example.
John McCain, for all his flawed politics, is a war hero. Pure and simple. He lived through things that no one should have to live through, and he did it because he answered the draft. Vietnam produced the highest number of PTSD patients of any American conflict… And regardless of the circumstances surrounding the war itself, the men and women who went deserve our respect.
The fact that Trump can’t recognize McCain’s service is bad enough. The fact that he won’t apologize when people tell this blazing idiot (by spelling it out in small, slowly-spoken words) that the things he says are racist, bigoted, stupid, and in this case… just plain privileged, bag-on-your-doorstep-burning shitassery… demonstrates on a nearly daily basis why Donald Trump should NEVER be 2nd in the polls the way he is today is beyond me.
I’m sharing these stories whenever I come across them until this walking upholstery bag leaves the race because I can’t believe this piece of garbage is making a serious bid for presidency.
Politics matter, people. Don’t let this billion-dollar bionic cracker take the reigns of our country. Don’t let apathy blind you to this guy. I can’t believe it even needs to be said, but this guy is making a serious bid, and if we elect this guy, we deserve it when he ruins everything.”
- Matt Carter
I couldn’t have said it better myself.
Title: Jer and Anaya are Getting Hitched: Married? So, Jer Dubick and I are getting married.
Title: The Misleading War on GMOs: The Food Is Safe. The Rhetoric Is Dangerous. This is one of the most carefully researched and balanced views of GMO’s I’ve ever seen. I highly suggest it.
Title: The daily email newsletter to start your day — theSkimm I love the skimm. I get a tidy summary of the previous day’s news in my inbox. TheSkimm writers are hilarious! If you’re interested, here you go:
Title: Channing Tatum Loves Feminism and Roxane Gay
Title: This Video Will Change The Way You Look At Privilege
Title: An Italian taste tests American junk food
Title: See the Restored Airstream of Your Dreams
Title: John Oliver’s Internet Misogyny Rant is Satisfying As Hell Spot on.
Title: These Are The Victims Of The Charleston Church Shooting
Title: Daughter of Smoke & Bone (Daughter of Smoke and Bone Trilogy Book 1) I freaking love the Daughter of Smoke and Bone Series and the first book is on sale for kindle. Usually 10$+, it’s 2.99$ right now. If you’ve been meaning to read it or were on the fence and kindle is your jam, you’re welcome. Read and then we can talk about it.
Title: In Praise Of Women Who Give All The F**ks
Title: What Makes a Really Stupid Opinion About Caitlyn Jenner
Title: I am 96% Green. Which political party do you side with?
Title: 21 Times Schmidt Perfectly Explained What It’s Like To Get In Shape
Title: OCEARCH Global Tracking Central Like sharks? http://ift.tt/1cNLJ3o
Title: Help Me, Rachel, Help The Monkey Farm Monkey Rescue Center My friend Rachel Clemmer has had a tough year. Last year around this time she was really excited to go to Canada for the summer, and promptly broke her leg. She’s an awesome gal who deserves some monkey bonding time and if you believe in helping a sister out, throw some monetary love her way.
Title: 7 Reasons It’s Actually Totally Feminist To Read (And Write) Romance Novels, Thank You Very Much
Title: What do public libraries do with their old books?
Title: What can I do now to prepare for library school? Are there any books or websites I could read on the topic?
Title: What percentage of librarians have MLIS degrees?
Title: Helpful Responses To Baltimore*
Title: Hugh Jackman lip syncs ‘Bacon Pancakes’ from 'Adventure Time’ Mike Collins
Title: Espresso Patronum Mug Oh Em Gee http://ift.tt/1ASsHlY
Title: WHEN YOU FIRST BEGIN GRADING: http://ift.tt/1dAy4On
Title: This Is What Happens If You Wear Magnetic Items In An MRI Machine
Title: What Parents Need To Tell Their Kids About The Baltimore Riots Yes, this. But not just for kids!
Title: Donation Page - Enoch Pratt Free Library Does your heart go out to the people of Baltimore today? Unsure how you feel but know you want to help? Donate to Baltimore’s Pratt library here: http://ift.tt/1QFDFSK
Public libraries support our communities in time of quiet and the most desperate struggle. Pratt remaind open today as a safe space for everyone. Public libraries always need your help, but Pratt needs you today particularly.
Title: 28 Moments That Show Another Side Of The Baltimore Riots
Title: 28 Moments That Show Another Side Of The Baltimore Riots
Title: Google The Oatmeal would be proud.
Title: CLICK HERE to support CHECK IT This indiegogo campaign funds a documentary about D.C.’s Gay and Transgender gang. CHECK IT out. http://ift.tt/1aNeRYs
Title: Bicycle Camper Trailer with Oversize Tent Cot Moogly Moog you needed this last year
Title: #kittenconsul Exploding Kittens Play test Application Video for the Shenandoah Valley With 46 likes, we are currently #28 out of 30! We are barely making the threshold to get a deck to play test- This could really happen, but there is still time for others to outflank us! So, I’m sending this around again- Please urge your friends and family to like this video on Youtube and share this facebook post. Woo!
Title: #kittenconsul Exploding Kittens Play test Application Video for the Shenandoah Valley Sharing this one more time since it has been a few days, and the vote counting is coming up! Help us play test the card game Exploding Kittens in Staunton by sharing this post on facebook and liking this video on youtube.
Title: I got: “We’ve got a badass over here! Clearly you’ve been to Hogwarts and back.” (11 out of 12! ) - Who Said It, Albus Dumbledore Or Neil deGrasse Tyson?
Title: #kittenconsul Exploding Kittens Play test Application Video for the Shenandoah Valley Sharing this around again if you missed it before. Please like this video on Youtube to help us play-test in Staunton. You can come too! Then share the post on facebook, and urge your friends to do the same.
Title: #kittenconsul Exploding Kittens Play test Application Video for the Shenandoah Valley My friends and I need your help to be able to playtest the exploding kittens card game! Like this video on youtube and share this post on Facebook and encourage your friends to like it on YouTube too. Thanks!
Title: #kittenconsul Exploding Kittens Play test Application Video for the Shenandoah Valley Share this video on facebook! Like it on Youtube! Share it some more!
Title: Weapons of Mass Instruction: A 1979 Ford Falcon Converted in a Tank Armored with 900 Free Books Connie Medaris how cool!
Title: CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley Oh em gee
Charlie Beche
It looks like a sock! I think the doublesock thing is doable as long as you rock the stockinette. It sucks for patterns though. Key appears to be to knit the knit sides together, instead of knit to purl. That makes sense, right?
Title: A very Whovian bed
Title: Grafton Library, Mary Baldwin College
Title: 25 Things That Will Turn 25 In 2015 I guess you have to take the “Ice-Ice baby”s with the Emma Watsons.
Title: Bills This Week - Home H.R. 351 “LNG Permitting Certainty and Transparency Act” is scheduled for a vote the week of January 26th, 2015. What do you think?
Title: Bills This Week - Home H.R. 399 “Secure Our Borders First Act of 2015” is scheduled for a vote the week of January 26th, 2015. What do you think?
Title: Bills This Week - Home H.R. 460 “To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to train Department of Homeland Security personnel how to effectively deter, detect, disrupt, and prevent human trafficking during the course of their primary roles and responsibilities, and for other purposes.” is scheduled for a vote the week of January 26th, 2015. What do you think?
Title: Bills This Week - Home H.R. 285 “SAVE Act of 2015” is scheduled for a vote the week of January 26th, 2015. What do you think?
Title: Bills This Week - Home H.R. 159 “Stop Exploitation Through Trafficking Act of 2015” is scheduled for a vote the week of January 26th, 2015. What do you think?
Title: Bills This Week - Home H.R. 350 “Human Trafficking Prevention, Intervention, and Recovery Act of 2015” is scheduled for a vote the week of January 26th, 2015. What do you think?
Title: Bills This Week - Home H.R. 181 “Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of 2015” is scheduled for a vote the week of January 26th, 2015. What do you think?
Title: Bills This Week - Home H.R. 357 “To amend the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 to expand the training for Federal Government personnel related to trafficking in persons, and for other purposes.” is scheduled for a vote the week of January 26th, 2015. What do you think?
Title: Bills This Week - Home H.R. 398 “To provide for the development and dissemination of evidence-based best practices for health care professionals to recognize victims of a severe form of trafficking and respond to such individuals appropriately, and for other purposes.” is scheduled for a vote the week of January 26th, 2015. What do you think?
Title: Bills This Week - Home H.R. 469 “Strengthening Child Welfare Response to Trafficking Act of 2015” is scheduled for a vote the week of January 26th, 2015. What do you think?
Title: Bills This Week - Home H.R. 514 “To prioritize the fight against human trafficking within the Department of State according to congressional intent in the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 without increasing the size of the Federal Government, and for other purposes.” is scheduled for a vote the week of January 26th, 2015. What do you think?
Title: Bills This Week - Home H.R. 246 “To improve the response to victims of child sex trafficking.” is scheduled for a vote the week of January 26th, 2015. What do you think?
Title: Bills This Week - Home H.R. 515 “To protect children from exploitation, especially sex trafficking in tourism, by providing advance notice of intended travel by registered child-sex offenders outside the United States to the government of the country of destination, requesting foreign governments to notify the United States when a known child-sex offender is seeking to enter the United States, and for other purposes.” is scheduled for a vote the week of January 26th, 2015. What do you think?
Title: Bills This Week - Home H.R. 468 “Enhancing Services for Runaway and Homeless Victims of Youth Trafficking Act of 2015” is scheduled for a vote the week of January 26th, 2015. What do you think?
I am working on my sock inside sock again after a bit of a break. I find the going back and forth tiresome, and the entire process is slow. I think I prefer knitting one sock at once, though having the socks perfectly mirrored is nice. And it is a cool party trick. These socks are for a friend who asked for some a long time ago. They may not be done by her birthday, but I am trying.