Thursday, February 27, 2014

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Monday, February 24, 2014

Heel turned, gusset stitches picked up, gusset decreases in...

Heel turned, gusset stitches picked up, gusset decreases in progress.

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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Turning the heel! I did the heel in a 1*1 rib in the hoped that...

Turning the heel! I did the heel in a 1*1 rib in the hoped that it would improve the fit.

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Saturday, February 22, 2014

Starting a pair of seed stitch socks for a great friend who...

Starting a pair of seed stitch socks for a great friend who loves purple. I even gauge swatched, which I hate

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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Newly organized spices. Label maker for the win!

Newly organized spices. Label maker for the win!

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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Last minute gift! I stayed up late last night crocheting and...

Last minute gift! I stayed up late last night crocheting and threw it in the washer to felt it.

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Friday, February 14, 2014

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Reversible blanket and pillow finished!

Reversible blanket and pillow finished!

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Getting ready to make another blanket.

Getting ready to make another blanket.

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Jer found this amazing where the wild things are prints at...

Jer found this amazing where the wild things are prints at Joannes the other day. I don’t have a specific project for them yet, but I am excited to put them to good use.

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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Reason #5675336 that I am a terrible person.

Jer: so-and-so from Canada gave their Olympic medal in moguls to his brother with cerebral palsy.

Me:...that is very Canadian of him.

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Saturday, February 8, 2014

Friday, February 7, 2014

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Socks for Jer

Last year right before Jer's birthday, I started making him socks with some lovely blue sock yarn I had bought from knitpicks. I knew I wanted to make socks at some point, and I finally got around to trying.

I knew I wouldn't finish the socks for him in time for his birthday, but I wanted to make them anyway. Well, I started in on this project right before starting work at Blue Ridge Community College, and my summer Quarter at Drexel. The project was quickly set aside. It didn't help that I found sock patterns confusing, and opted to wing it. This usually works okay for me, but I was missing something fairly important this time.

Now that I am working at Mary Baldwin, but more importantly, that I have graduated and have more time on my hands, I picked the socks back up, frogged the entire project (more than once) and started again with the knitty socks 101 pattern.

It look a bit of mind bending, but I get how it works now, and I have a pair of long overdue birthday socks to show for it. Best yet, Jer loves them! He won't wear scarves, and has little desire for multiple hats or gloves (and rarely wears the ones I have made for him), and the sweater vest I made for him years ago spends 364 days out of the year in a drawer. SO! I'm exceptionally happy to find that socks may be the thing I can make for him that he enjoys and will wear fairly often!

 Jer's at work, so I modeled them. They fit Jer better than they fit me, but you get the idea. Socks a'hoy!